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Monday Blues
Everybody drags Monday mornings going back to work, feeling moody, sad, depressed, down, tired. For some of us that dealt with Depression and Anxiety could be a little bit harder to shake the Monday Blues. My sister told me that her roommate back in the day had a cat that…
The Benefits of Being Thankful
Thanksgiving used not to be a holiday that I would care much for, and the reason is because I grew up in Venezuela and we simply do not celebrate that holiday there, at least in my 100% Venezuelan family. And now thanksgiving has become one of my favorite holidays among…
“Mirror mirror on the wall”
Mirror mirror on the wall…. When you look at yourself in the mirror what do you see? What do you say to yourself? What do you think of yourself? Do you truly like what you see? What do you feel? Do you love all of yourself? The famous quote from…
The True Personal Freedom
True Personal Freedom of being yourself. The personal freedom that I am talking about is the self freedom, to be yourself. Always doing the right thing, and no harm to you or others. The one that I am talking about here is when you feel stuck in life and think…