TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF specially when things are not going good.

Encountering challenging situation in life can bring you down, unbalance your mental health and take away your internal peace.
This is where nonnegotiable comes in place, boundaries, no changes are to be made or able to negotiate.
Once things are hard, you need to have a couple rules and make them clear to those around you, including your love ones.
I recently attended Premier Hair Show in Orlando, lots of beauty up and down, beauty products, things to learn, music everywhere, the list goes on and on.
The thing that fascinated me the most was the amount of times I heard popular Hair Stylist with tons of talent speaking of the importance of Mental Health, how important it is to take priority of caring for yourself. I applauded the beauty industry for bringing the awareness.

When things are not going well Creating more room for those things that we Do, to take care of ourself to maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit.
Remember I said I will walk the blog with you, I meant it, recently I just went through really hard times. At the beginning when the first circumstance appeared it kind of hits me hard, in a way that I didn’t know how to feel, sadness, anxiety, frustration, disappointment, vulnerability, or all of the above.
The thing is that if you already have those things to take care of yourself in routine, it is important to continue doing it at least some of them, until you get your self centered.
In this case I was pretty down, but I did continue getting up early in the morning, enjoy my cup of coffee and writing in my journal, were the key in this process. And to be honest and real I didn’t get to do my other stuff I usually do, because I was just so tired emotionally, physically and even spiritually, some things can hit you harder than others, and that IT’S OKAY.
I actually made a conscious decision to allow my self to identify and feel my emotions (sadness, fear, anger, disgust, happiness, awkwardness, relieve, joy, etc ) and not control me. It is just fine to feel all this emotions and be comfortable with them, not avoiding them, because they could be uncomfortable.
Feel all of the emotions that you are trying to avoid its liberating and a very brave act. Accepting reality, not being afraid of it.

Feel them, but don’t let them control your life or react to it, UNTIL you are centered again and make the best decision for your own well being. This is the path of true healing, some of you might be thinking it’s easier said than done, but like I describe my blog, I am literally walking the blog with you.
Took me a couple of weeks to get my self together, but I did!
I woke up early on a Saturday and with the sheets still stuck, I got my self up and went to spin class, I am sure people could tell I wasn’t my smiley self, but I SHOWED up, and since then I have been showing up with a better attitude. Getting ready in the mornings, make up, hair, I even went to get my nails done.

Nonnegotiable are the things that you have to do to take care of yourself that nobody get to interfere, and the stronger your boundaries and routines are, the easier that will get to go through hard times.
Nobody messes around with my morning routine, my spin classes, my counseling, my vegetarian diet, the unconditional love of my dog and cat, my meditation, my spirituality. This are some of the things that help me maintain my mental health, my nonnegotiable.
Here is a little list of things that help me stay healthy:
- Get a massage, facial, reiki session.
- Meditate in the mornings.
- Go to the gym for a fun class.
- Go out to eat with friends or alone.
- Go to the movies by myself.
- Make a cup of tea and read a book in my reading nook.
- Paint or drawing.
- Writing.
- Watch my favorite movies.
- Go for a walk in nature with my dog.

The stronger your boundaries, your self care routines, and self compassion, the easier life gets. This are the nonnegotiables.