True Personal Freedom of being yourself.

The personal freedom that I am talking about is the self freedom, to be yourself. Always doing the right thing, and no harm to you or others.
The one that I am talking about here is when you feel stuck in life and think you have to be stuck feeling a certain way, and not have the choices to make your life better, or follow your dreams.
Maintaining internal peace, centered and being authentic can provide you personal freedom.
Freedom is considered another sense, a sense of relief, peace, and wellbeing through our own self power and the right to act, having choices.
Emotional freedom is having the capacity of self-love during tough times, accept yourself fully.
How to be free?
Being yourself and unapologetically about doing the things that you want and follow you’re dreams. Not caring of what others think.

Healthy detachment of relationships. Loving, however do not depend on others, we are meant to not be here forever and loving and enjoying each other in the present moment is a great thing, as long as there are no unhealthy attachments

Accepting things the way they are and if you don’t like it or if it doesn’t support the life of your dreams then have the bravery to change it.

Laugh, love and be at peace with yourself creates a sense of freedom that nobody can’t take away from you. Feeling okay with your own selve. Being happy and content with yourself. Be silly, be what feels good and be you unapologetically.

Change the things that you don’t like, and learn new habits to adapt to new and/or healthier behaviors.
Make choices. Take responsibility for the decisions that you have made, and move on from that, appreciate the mistakes and embrace them. Bad experiences are life samples that show you clarity of what you want and what you don’t want, appreciate them and ask the universe what s the lesson I need to learn from this, and do the healing work.
Learn to listen your intuition. If you were doubting a decision and it showed you that did not worked out, then it will teach you how your intuition works and feels, and you will know now better for the next time. Trust your intuition. And take responsibility for yourself if it did not work out then move on to the next thing.
Take care of your shit, do the changes that need to be done, leave that relationship, switch careers, find a new job, move to another city, make more or new friends, take care of your life.

Financial freedom, make it happen, find the way to make it happen. Allow yourself to dream and achieve, fall and get up again. There are ways to make it happen.
Plan and execute. And if that did not work out, try again or something different, there is nothing wrong with that.

Social life, doing things that bring joy, new friends, support groups, volunteer. Investing time in things that are beneficial for you, things that bring joy in you.

Keep it simple, live happier, lighter, love more.
Be Free, be yourself